วันพุธที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

The natives and the English

0:00         hi I'm John Green this is crash course US history and today we're going to talk
0:03         about what are the worst relationships in American history
0:06         no thought bubble not my college girlfriend and me mystery
0:10         your relationship with your high school girlfriend know me from the past you and
0:13         I both know that I didn't have a high school girlfriend no I'm talking about
0:16         the relationship between Native Americans and
0:18         English settlers
0:26         p so you gotta remember from last week the first English settlers came to the
0:31         Chesapeake area now Virginia in 1607
0:34         the way and English found with the course already inhabited by Indian
0:37         tribes unified under the leadership of Chief walking Sonica and I will remind
0:41         you that mispronouncing things is my thing
0:43         the English got this chief Paul happened because of course mispronouncing things
0:46         was also very thankful Hatton was actually his title and the name of his
0:49         tribe but to say that the English lacked cultural sensitivity would be an
0:52         understatement so perhaps
0:53         didn't get to be the leader over 30 tribes by being a dummy and he quickly
0:56         realized that one
0:58         the English were pretty clueless when it came to not dying of starvation and
1:02         to they were useful because they had guns so he decided to help them in the
1:06         English were indeed grateful
1:07         in fact colony leader John Smith went so far as to order the colonists to stop
1:11         stealing food from the Indian law in the book business this is known as
1:15         foreshadowing
1:16         so as previously noted relationships whether between individuals or
1:19         collective
1:20         tend to go well when they are mutually beneficial and for a while both the
1:24         English
1:24         and the Indians were better off for these interactions I mean you know
1:28         post smallpox the Virginia Company existed to make money and since the
1:31         Chesapeake lacked gold or silver making money
1:34         required free okay let's go to thought bubble we tend to think of trade between
1:38         Europeans and natives as being a one-way exchange like savvy
1:41         exploitative Europeans tricking primitive pure indigenous people in the
1:45         unfair deals
1:46         but that isn't quite accurate both sides traded goods that they had in surplus
1:51         for those they did not
1:52         the English were happy to give up iron utensils tunes
1:56         guns woven cloth in exchange for furs and especially in the early days
2:01         food which the Indians could is the part with because they had plenty
2:04         soon though there were problems in order to keep up trade relations Indian men
2:08         devoted more time to hunting and less
2:11         to agriculture which upset traditional gender balance in their society
2:14         and European ideas about land you started to overcome traditional
2:18         in good ways of life and that led to con the English like defense in some of
2:23         their way in which kept the Indians
2:24         of it and also the English with their pigs and cattle roam freely
2:28         in the animals with the natives crops and as Europeans appetite for furs grew
2:33         Indian tribes began to fight with each other over access to the best hunting
2:36         grounds willing to enter tribal warfare
2:38         which suddenly including guns but this was still a relatively calm time yes at
2:43         one point john smith was captured by the Indians it had to be
2:46         saved by Paul happens daughter Pocahontas but this was probably all
2:49         ritual planned by perhaps
2:51         to demonstrate his dominance over the English Pocahontas never married John
2:54         Smith by the way but she was kidnapped by the English and held for ransom in
2:58         1613 and she did eventually marry another Englishman John Rolfe
3:02         she converted to Christianity and went to England where she became a sensation
3:05         and died of disease stupid disease always the same the course of human
3:09         history
3:10         anyway despite not marrying Pocahontas John Smith is still important to the
3:13         story because when he left Virginia for England after being injured in a gun
3:16         powder explosions
3:17         things between the native Americans and English immediately began to deteriorate
3:22         how well the English went back to stealing Indians crops and also began
3:25         stealing their lives via massacres
3:28         thanks top-level menu for sure know how to end on a downer although to be fair
3:31         there not a lot about a person this story so after a period piece phone
3:34         program on his marriage to Jon Ralph in 1614 dramatized here
3:38         things finally came to a head in 1622 when she Papa Chen could have led a
3:41         rebellion against the English
3:43         become abundantly clear that more and more English we're going to show up and
3:45         they were just there to trade they wanted to take Indian land but the
3:48         English truck back as empires will end the uprising in 1622 ultimately fail
3:53         and after another failed uprising in 1644 the 2000 remaining native Americans
3:57         were forced to sign a treaty that can sign them to reservations in the West
4:00         well the West Virginia at least to the 16-22 uprising was the final nail in the
4:04         coffin of the Virginia Company which was a failure in
4:07         every way it never turned a profit and despite sponsoring 6,000 Colin is by
4:11         1644 when Virginia became a royal colony only 1200 those people were still alive
4:16         proving once again
4:17         that governments are better at governing the incorporation of a new England
4:22         you'll recall that the pilgrims probably wouldn't survive their first winter
4:25         without help from the Native Americans which of course led to the first
4:27         Thanksgiving and then centuries have mutually beneficial trade in generosity
4:32         just get it while so many Puritans who settled in New England notably Roger
4:35         Williams tried to treat the Indians
4:36         fairly in general it was very similar to what we saw in the Chesapeake
4:40         settlers thought Native Americans could be replaced because they weren't
4:42         properly using the land know John Winthrop do you remember from last week
4:46         at least
4:47         realize that it was better to buy land from Indians then just take it to a
4:50         bearded man purchases usually came with strings attached the main string being
4:54         that the Native Americans had to submit
4:56         English at the word not appear to rather conflicted you with the Indians on the
4:59         one hand they saw natives as he didn't in need of salvation as evidenced by the
5:03         Massachusetts feel which features an Indian thing come over and help of
5:07         on the other hand they recognize that the Native American Way of life with its
5:10         relative abundance and equality especially when it came to women might
5:13         be tempting to some people who might wanna
5:15         go native this was such a concern that in 1642 the Massachusetts General Court
5:20         prescribed a sentence of three years hard labor for anyone who left the
5:24         colony and went to leave with the indigenous people there was even an
5:27         anti-India propaganda in the former books captivity narratives in which
5:30         Europeans recounted their desire to return to Christian society after
5:34         winning with the Indians were quite popular
5:36         even though some like the famous sovereignty and goodness of God by Mary
5:40         Rowlandson
5:41         did admit that the Indians of untreated the European captives quite well
5:45         doing that native population lack an overarching leader like Paul happen but
5:48         by 1637 the inevitable conflict between the English
5:51         and the Indians did happen it was called the people at work after some peak was
5:55         killed in English for Trader soldiers from Massachusetts the newly formed
5:58         colony of Connecticut and some Narragansett Indians who saw an
6:01         opportunity to gain an upper hand over the peak what
6:03         attacked a peak what village at Mystic burning it and massacring over 500
6:08         people
6:08         the war continued for a few months after this but to call it a war is in a way to
6:11         give it too much credit the Indians were overmatched from the beginning and by
6:15         the end on most all of them had been massacred or sold into slavery in the
6:19         Caribbean were opened up the Connecticut River to further settlement it also
6:22         showed that Native Americans were going to have a tough time resisting because
6:25         they were outnumbered and they had inferior weapons but the brutality of
6:28         the massacre in Mystic shock even some puritans like William Bradford who wrote
6:32         it was a fearful sight to see them from buying in the fire but despite the odds
6:36         doing the natives continued to resist the English 1675 Native Americans once
6:40         the biggest attack on New England colonists in what would come to be known
6:42         as King Philip's War
6:44         it was bed by 10 and chief name Edicom which is why it is also sometimes called
6:47         Mediacom swarm the English called Mediacom King Philip due to their fantastic
6:51         cultural sensitivity
6:53         the conflict was marked by brutality on both sides and it nearly ended English
6:57         settlements in the Northeast the fighting itself lasted two years
7:00         Indians attacked after the ninety towns the English and founded in 12 those
7:04         towns were destroyed about 1,000 the 52,000 Europeans and 3,000
7:09         the twenty thousand Indians involve died in the war as I mentioned before the war
7:12         was particularly brutal the battle with the Great Swamp was really just a sacred
7:16         Indians by the English and when King Philip was finally killed ending the war
7:20         his decapitated head was placed on a stake in the Plymouth town square where
7:24         it remained for decades and on the other side well to quote Nathaniel Saltonstall
7:28         who lived through the war he then rarely give quarter to those that they take but
7:32         if they were women
7:33         they first forced them to satisfy their filthy worst sin then murdered them
7:36         someone's going on to describe a particularly brutal way that natives
7:39         would kill colonists count by cutting their bellies and letting them go
7:43         several days
7:44         trailing their guts after dawn that indigenous people would reserve such
7:48         brutality for livestock says something really important about this war
7:51         the Indians correctly so European colonization as a threat to their way of
7:55         what and that included the animals who trample Indians land and whose grazing
7:58         patterns require the English to take more and more territory some other
8:02         stories told about Native American brutality also suggest the symbolic
8:05         nature of this war like one English colonists was disemboweled and had a
8:09         bible stock in his body cavity supposedly the natives who buried him
8:12         explain
8:13         you English since you came into this country have grown exceeding the above
8:16         the ground
8:17         let us see how well you grow when planted into the ground but it wasn't
8:20         just the Indians who felt their way of life being threatened it's time for this
8:23         week's mystery document
8:27         the rules here simple I read mister document I try to guess its author if
8:30         I'm right I don't get shocked with the shock pen
8:32         if i'm wrong. I do the righteous God hath heightened or calamity and given
8:37         commission to the barbarous he them to rise up against us and to become
8:41         smart broad and a severe scored to us in burning Andy populating several hopeful
8:47         plantations
8:48         murdering many of our people have all sorts and seeming as it were to cast is
8:52         off
8:53         here by speaking aloud to us to search and try out our ways and turn again unto
8:57         the Lord our God from whom we have departed with a great backsliding
9:02         okay I don't know this one something to piece it together we have a poor old
9:06         narrator
9:06         that's important even the monotheistic feels like the heathens in this context
9:10         likely the native Americans have been sent as a school words or
9:14         scourge as it is apparently properly pronounced what I'm from Alabama I don't
9:19         know how to see a ton of work I mean I just recently when the euro check your
9:21         yahoo mail you check your yahoo mail handler who is over already
9:25         right so poor on their eight er scourge great backsliding
9:29         I lost a no-hit shot the laws of war passed by the General Court of
9:36         Massachusetts in 1675 are you getting from now on the mystery document must
9:39         always be written by a single human person hate this
9:43         made this so much worse now because I've had it before so now it's gonna %ah
9:49         shows is the way the Puritans understand the world but it also shows us that
9:52         within fifty years if its founding puritans already felt the mission of
9:56         their colony to be a great Christian community was already kind of a failure
10:00       if they've been is right just as they were supposed to be God wouldn't have
10:03       sent the Indians to burn their homes and killed so it's important to understand
10:06       that this was a war to preserve a way of life for both the Indians
10:09       and English and that brings us to another question what's the point of
10:12       even telling these bloody stories about massacres and atrocities
10:16       one point is to remind ourselves that much what we were in about American
10:19       history like all history has been cleaned up to conform to our
10:22       mythological view
10:24       love ourselves native Americans have been so successfully marginalized both
10:27       hically and metaphorically that its easy to either forget about them or
10:31       else to view them merely as people to be pitied
10:34       reviled but it's important to know the ways that they resisted colonization
10:37       because it reminds us that Native Americans were people who acted
10:40in history not just people who were acted upon by
10:44       and it also reminds us that the history of indigenous people on this way and
10:47       masses in separate from American history
10:50       it's an essential part of it thanks for watching we'll see next week
10:53       crash course is produced and directed by Stan our script supervisor is marriage
10:57       tanker this issue users Danika Johnson insurers written by my high school
11:00       history teacher remind myself or graphics team
11:03       this of course but it is your please ask them and comments will be answered by
11:07       our
11:07       practice story by where fewer practice towards the team
11:10       exit historians not in the historians who study crack cocaine thanks for
11:14       watching this is a mile down don't forget the office
